ruhlamat celebrates its 25th anniversary

July 2016 - June 18, 2016 had finally arrived: the day of ruhlamat’s 25th anniversary celebration. During this special event, ruhlamat opened its doors to interested visitors in the morning and celebrated with employees and their families on company premises throughout the rest of the day.

But first a brief review of the company's progress:

Karl Mack founded the company "ruhlamat Automation GmbH” in September 1991, which emerged directly from the department "Technical Rationalization" at the Uhrenwerke Ruhla. This step was necessary because like many companies, the Uhrenwerke Ruhla was negatively affected by the economic change associated with the fall of the Iron Curtain.

ruhlamat celebrates its 25th anniversary

After a short period, the company's headquarters in Marksuhl were erected and rapid growth ensued. Over the last 25 years, ruhlamat has developed into a global company with great interest in sustainability, which has helped it to succeed through good times and bad. After starting business with about a staff of 90, under the leadership of Thomas Mack the ruhlamat GmbH has now expanded to more than 700 employees at five locations worldwide.

Expansion in Marksuhl has also advanced well in recent years. Now with three production halls and three office buildings housing nearly 280 employees, ruhlamat’s headquarters are proof of the power behind the company. Equipped with its own wind turbine and large-scale photovoltaic systems covering nearly 50% of its own energy demand, ruhlamat leads the path to sustainability further.

All of this could be viewed by visitors during the open house. Nearly 800 people took part in tours of the production halls and learned about the company history at the on-site museum. Many of the guests were very curious raising questions about ruhlamat’s unique products or obtained information about starting a career at our training booth.

During the afternoon, the anniversary celebration took place with all of the employees and their families. In addition to activities like bull riding and a stuntman course, employees had a chance to show their families where they work before enjoying great music with food and drinks in the pavilion. The highlight at the end of the day was a spectacular fireworks show, which inspired young and old alike.