ruhlaSmart - smart solutions for industry 4.0

What is ruhlaSmart?

ruhlaSmart stands for a reorientation in the organisation and optimisation of industrial processes in line with the fourth industrial revolution - Industry 4.0. The focus is on the comprehensive digitalisation of the production landscape: the networking of machines and systems enables a continuous exchange of data streams - a real "communication" between you and your machines. This enables them to control production processes autonomously, making them more economical, faster and safer. The integration of external units, such as customers or suppliers, creates a highly complex, networked system. This ensures smooth processes with maximum efficiency at all levels. Implementation requires the right technology and a customised concept for the use of ruhlaSmart - our new digital brand. We at ruhlamat are the right partner for you, and of course we comply with the highest standards in terms of data and information security (DIN ISO 27001/9001). Contact us directly for more information.

ruhlaSmart Condition Monitoring

Your smart way to tomorrow´s production

Get an impression of ruhlamat's Industry 4.0 solutions

FAQs about Industry 4.0

For whom are ruhlaSmart solutions worthwhile?

Converting your own production environment in line with Industry 4.0 is worthwhile for all companies that want to make their production fit for the future: Dynamic, flexible and, above all, customer-centric production processes are becoming increasingly important - if you want to keep up in the long term, you can't avoid digitizing your own production. This is just as true for automotive manufacturers as it is for companies in the mechanical engineering, medical technology or transportation sectors.

Why is Industry 4.0 so important?

If a company wants to survive on the market, it must reduce production costs, optimize cycle times, guarantee quality standards and be able to respond to customer requests as flexibly as possible. All of this is becoming possible thanks to Industry 4.0 and the associated changes for the entire production and value chain. Forgoing digitization is therefore not an option for industrial companies that want to remain successful in the future.

What challenges does Industry 4.0 pose for companies?

The further development of a company in the sense of Industry 4.0 initially requires high investment sums, which can, however, pay off after a short time. The decisive factor here is clever implementation of the right measures - individual, step-by-step solutions, such as those we at ruhlamat develop for companies, have proven particularly effective. This applies not only to new machines and production facilities to be constructed, but also with a view to older facilities without the necessary IT infrastructure.

Richard Stegmann Digitalisation

Your contact person:

Richard Stegmann
Digital Solutions

Do you have any questions or would you like us to send you an offer? Then simply send us your request!


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